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The True Location of Ancient Biblical Jerusalem

The True Location of ancient Biblical Jerusalem was only rediscovered 150 years ago. Since then the ancient city has been shaking off her dust (Isaiah 52:2) through the ongoing archaeological excavations at the City of David National Park.
The rediscovery of the ancient city is not only proof of the Bible's validity but brings with it a tremendous responsibility. It is evident that the earthly Jerusalem plays a pivotal part in G-d's redemption plan.
Therefore it is up to every person that is serious about Biblical prophecy fulfilment and passionate about Zion to make sure they align themselves physically and spiritually and to be ever mindful of the most precious place in G-d's heart.
Speak Tenderly to Jerusalem

for Sound

Align With Zion is answering the worldwide awakening to the true meaning
and deeper significance of Jerusalem and Zion, and uses it as a starting point
in understanding God’s plan for the Jewish people, the Land of Israel, and the world.
If you are looking for answers regarding Jerusalem (her past, presence, and future), the Jewish Festivals, the Hebrew Language and Calendar, Prophecy Fulfillment but also just want to stay updated with the most important news regarding Israel and its impact on the world, then this site is for you.
Align With Zion also create awareness about the unification between Yehudah (the Jewish people) and the Lost Ten Tribes under Jewish Halacha.
Align With Zion is Proudly Jewish Orthodox. We are not Christian (including any form of Messianic "Judaism" or Christianity).

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For the LORD has chosen Zion; He has desired it for His dwelling place.
Psalm 132:13