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Writer's pictureAnaRina Bat Tzion Kreisman

I Will Overthrow the Thrones of Kingdoms

Tonight, 24 Kislev (the 9th month in the Hebrew Calendar) starts the last part of the Haggai Prophecy (2:10-23). The first part is the consciousness of the Temple, and the understanding of the integral part of the Oral Torah, as the example is given in verses 11-13, and if we acknowledge, strive, and practice these concepts, deficiency will cease, and blessing will follow. It is very clear from the Haggai that G-d worked according to the Oral Torah, otherwise He would not have brought it up.

The Cyrus Cylinder
British Museum
Photo: Ardon Barhama
The Cyrus Cylinder, British Museum, Photo: Ardon Barhama

Rebuilding the Walls and the Temple

It also speaks of the foundation of the Temple that was laid by Ezra when the Babylonian exiles returned to Zion under the decree of Cyrus. You can read all about it HERE. You can also read about Nehemiah rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem HERE Make sure you work through all the sections to get the whole story. You will note that politics is nothing new. It is as old as the Bible. Also, the enemies of Israel lobbied HARD to stifle our return to our Homeland, repopulate Jerusalem, and rebuild the Temple. It seems like history repeats itself, nothing new there either.

So what about the Temple. Make no mistake, it shall be rebuilt. The prophet Ezekiel speaks about the parameters of the Third Temple, its spiritual significance and how it represents and serves as an "interface" of Hashem's creation, the universe itself. You can read more about the spiritual dynamics in the Book by the Ramchal, "Secrets of the Future Temple" HERE

Toppling Kingdoms

The first part of the prophecy is a prerequisite for the more well-known second part (Haggai 2:20-23):

I am going to shake the Heavens and the Earth. And I will overturn the thrones of kingdoms and destroy the might of the kingdoms of the nations.

Now Haggai's series of prophecies start on the 1st of ELUL, reminding us of the Temple in ruins. We also learn that ELUL is the month in which we see the wrapping up of accounts in order to determine the dynamics of the next year.

70-Day Period Where Three Walls of Rome Will Fall

The Jewish sages gave a very interesting prophecy in Zohar Balak. It is a 70-day period that starts on the 25th of Elul and can only be fulfilled when we live in the Land of Israel. Another prerequisite is that it needs to fall on a Shabbat, which happened this year. The 70 days started on the night of the 27th of September until the 5th of Kislev (6 December).

This prophecy has a lot of meat, and I will give a very broad stroke. Basically, three walls of Rome will fall within that time period, and a powerful leader will rise for the purpose of subduing the nations.

Now behold the beauty of this all: on the 27th of September, the day before the 25th of Elul (24th of Elul), Nasrallah, the head of the terrorist organization Hezbollah, was killed by Israel in Beirut using 80 bunker-buster missiles (try to top that Top Gun). Remember that the prophet Haggai started his series of prophecies on the 1st of Elul, reminding us of the Temple in ruins. He then documents a dynamic turn-around on the 24th of Elul when Zerubbabel started to work on the rebuilding of the Temple. So, the 24th and 25th of Elul are intimately interlinked - Nasrallah's fate was sealed.

Seal of Baruch Ben Neriyah, Israel Antiquities Authority, photo: David Harris

On the 14th of Tishrei, Erev Sukkot (!), Sinwar was killed in Gaza, and Assad's Rule came to an abrupt end in Syria when the rebels took Damascus on the 8th of December, a little over a day after the 70-day period finished. Now, the after the 70-day period is also a very important day in Jewish history, interlinking again the last day of the 70-day period with the 7th of Kislev (December 8th).

Sarcophagus of Herod the Great Oren Rozen, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

On the 7th of Kislev, King Jehoiakim brazenly burned the scroll written by Baruch Ben Neriyah, in which Jeremiah prophesied the destruction of Jerusalem and the exile of the Kingdom of Judah due to their idolatrous practices. You can learn more about that history HERE

A Great Ruler Shall Rise

And what about a great ruler that shall rise that will subdue the nations? Well, it's not too difficult to figure that one out; President Trump had an overwhelming and historic victory on the 6th of November (elections were on the 5th). The prophecy gives much more details on what this king will ultimately do, I'll spare you that for now, but watch this space, we'll dive into it soon, BEZ"H.

Round Two

We are about to go for Round Two, as the last part in the series of Haggai prophecies' brings a new energy of "toppling kingdoms" into the mix. Two things to remember: The Haggai prophecies are interlinked, and the dynamic that a prophecy activates, can take a whole year to play itself out. It is evident that G-d is cleaning house. The first round was logically geographically connected to the territory of our ancient enemies. Round Two will circle out to the Western World that seats Rome itself. As antisemitism is exploding across the globe, this time with the purpose of ushering the Jews back to the Homeland, those nations and kingdoms driving antisemitism will eventually fall.

The 70-day prophecy was a once-off and only to be fulfilled in the End of Days. History will soon cease to repeat itself as millennia-old dynamics are coming to a close. That in itself is significant - we are living in the most exciting times in history!

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